Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rock Music Wallpaper 4

These Rock Music songs are meant to be taken as a basic starting point for a greatest songs discussion. All these Rock Music songs are crucial,You & Me makes sure his six-string gifts remain in the forefront of the listener's mind. And while the reigning mood of the album is one of warm, Southern California breezes and sun-splashed sojourns to the Pacific Ocean, other influences pop up along the way, particularly a fondness for British folk-rock.
On “Amber” and “Mountain & Bear,” Barker’s voice and musical arrangement work best, each seeming to urge on the other to reveal hidden wisdom. Too much of alt-folk sounds deliberately aimed at being odd or obscure; Barker cuts through that and just delivers a good, quiet record. Many of the songs end up sounding alike, and the somewhat dreamlike lyrics can lose you in a maze of psuedo-poetry, but You & Me is a solid debut. Barker’s strengths are, therefore, those of the record: simple guitar and an often golden voice.


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